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Writer's pictureSabrina Jackson

Gut Health

Let’s talk about gut health! If you think about it… our digestion is at the center of who we are and how we feel. If we are having trouble digesting we may experience some form of nutrient deficiency or physical discomfort. Both of these can influence our mood, energy, and mental state relatively easily. Although we may not realize it, our digestive system is the primary source of our health. Our digestive tract helps us break down food into macronutrients that can be further digested and used for energy. It is where we absorb the majority of our vitamins and minerals that help contribute to our metabolic function as well as many other biological processes. For example, a healthy colon plays a very important role in absorbing water and electrolytes. There are also tiny bacteria that help produce things like biotin and Vitamin K for our bodies to utilize. These healthy bacteria are thought to play an important role in immune function, synthesizing certain vitamins, and maintaining a proper pH in the colon. So what can you do to help maintain your gut health?

Eat High Fiber Foods

It is recommended that we eat anywhere from 25-40 grams of fiber per day! There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber is considered a prebiotic and helps to fuel the healthy microbiota in your colon. In addition to helping to promote a healthy gut, soluble fiber has been shown to help lower cholesterol levels and help regulate blood sugar levels! Insoluble fiber adds bulk to digestive waste helping to increase regularity and prevent constipation, hemorrhoids, and diverticulitis. Fiber is also thought to help decrease the risk of colon cancer! Some examples of foods that are high in fiber include: Artichokes, Whole Grains, Beans & Legumes, Broccoli, and Apples.


When I say this the first thing that comes to mind is probably the expensive bottles you see on the refrigerated shelves of Whole Foods. However, there are plenty of foods that contain probiotics as well! Greek yogurt, Kimchi, Miso, Kombucha, and Apple Cider Vinegar are all great examples! Probiotics help to increase the number of “healthy” bacteria in your gut helping to contribute to overall gut health! They are nonpathogenic and help aid in digestion, prevent infection, and help reduce chronic inflammation.

Stay Hydrated

Water is very important for digestion and many people do not consume as much water as they should be! Water is very important for many body processes and not staying hydrated may lead to symptoms like constipation. Water also helps us digest solid food and properly absorb nutrients. The average person should consume around 80 ounces of water a day or more which is equal to around 5 16.9 oz water bottles! If you are having troubles with digestion some RDN’s also recommend consuming your water between meals rather than with meals to prevent the dilution of stomach acid and may help with your digestion. One of my favorite things to do is add some lemon juice to my water for flavor and to help with digestion by naturally boosting stomach acid!

So as you can see, there are some very simple and easy changes that you can make in your life to improve your gut health that won’t break the bank! Taking steps to improve your digestion will not only help boost your overall health, but you will feel better physically as well. Take care of yourself and your body will thank you!

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